Getting Started


React (opens in a new tab)A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially single-page applications.18.3.1
TypeScript (opens in a new tab)A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing for better code quality and maintainability.5.5.3
Shadcn UI (opens in a new tab)A component library built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS for modern UIs.Latest
Tailwind CSS (opens in a new tab)A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.3.4.11
Redux Toolkit (opens in a new tab)The official, opinionated toolset for efficient Redux development.9.1.2
Axios (opens in a new tab)A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.1.7.7
Formik (opens in a new tab)A form library for building forms in React with ease.2.4.6
Yup (opens in a new tab)A schema validation library often used with Formik for form validation.1.4.0
React Router (opens in a new tab)A standard library for routing in React applications.6.26.2
Recharts (opens in a new tab)A charting library for React, focusing on simplicity and performance.2.12.7
Lucide Icons (opens in a new tab)A free, open-source icon library with modern SVG icons.0.441.0
Font Awesome Icons (opens in a new tab)A popular icon library offering both free and premium icon sets.6.6.0